When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?
Hi, I am Krista.

I am a Certified Sleep Science Coach and a Registered Nutritional Therapist. 

I teach and support midlife women on how to fall and stay asleep without using medication.

I understand the day to day challenges that midlife women experience: families, aging parents, work responsibilities and living in the modern world.

Sleep can seem elusive and you are not alone. 

I help women just like YOU balance your hormones so you can fall asleep AND stay asleep and wake up feeling energized and refreshed.
Krista Cumming, Founder

Discover The Five Easy Steps To Fall Asleep At Night And Avoid The Dreaded 2-3 am Wakeup
The Three Secrets All Midlife Women Need To Know If They Want To Improve Their Sleep And Wake Up Feeling Refreshed And Energized
Ready for a good night's sleep? Book a call with me and let's chat.
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